Too many pets die in car accidents. Dogs and Pets in Cars, Keep them SAFE!

Dogs and Pets in cars, Keep them SAFE!

The American Humane Society reports that an estimated 100,000 dogs die from riding in truck beds alone each year. And that doesn't include the dogs that die from jumping out of car windows or dogs who are unsecured in the car during a collision. reports over 6 million car accidents every year.

More than half of the dog owners drive at least once a month with their dogs, yet only 16 % of them report securing their pets while they are in vehicles. Collisions effects pets and human passengers alike. In collision all loose objects fly including unrestrained pets. This is dangerous to anyone inside the vehicle. A 10-pound dog will exert about 500 pounds of force in a collision at 30 MPH. An 80-pound dog will exert around 2,400 pounds of force under the same conditions.

Keep in mind, you do not want your dog to sit in front seat for same reason you don’t let a small child ride in front. Airbags can kill children and small dogs.

Before you are ready to take your next trip with family and pets. Just like you buckle up yourself, your family and kids. Buckle up your pets too.

