Can Dogs eat lettuce? What lettuce are safe for Dogs?

Before you feed your pets anything, make sure it is healthy!
My dog has never been given any left over human food, nobody ever feeds her of the table either. I never gave her any food while preparing meals or salads. Recently my dog Clea, started to come to me when preparing salads. She started to give me this begging look. Those big and cute eyes were screaming loud “Give me that salad, please”

So, I decided to “google” Can dogs eat lettuce? what lettuce are safe for dogs? Yes, it is safe for dogs from icebergs to Romaine’s, dogs can eat them all equally well and lettuce doesn’t pose any sort of toxicity risk to your dog whatsoever.

Now my Clea, enjoys her daily meal with delicious green lettuce and she always eats lettuce first before finishing the doggie food.

Here is video of Clea eating dinner
